Choosing Bird Seed: Everything You Need To Know


Feeding birds can be a delightful and rewarding experience. Bird seed is a key component in providing the birds with the nutrition they need. Understanding the different types of bird seed available and how to choose the right one can help you support local wildlife and enjoy watching birds up close. Here’s a guide to help you get started.

What Is Bird Seed

Bird seed is a mixture of seeds and grains designed to meet the dietary needs of various bird species. It can include single types of seeds or blends that cater to different preferences. Common bird seeds include sunflower seeds, millet, safflower, and peanuts. Each type of seed offers unique benefits and attracts different kinds of birds.

Choosing the Right Bird Seed

Consider Bird Species

Think about the types of birds you want to attract and select seeds that appeal to them. If you’re unsure, a mixed seed blend can attract a variety of species.

Seed Freshness

Opt for fresh bird seed to ensure it’s nutritious and appealing. Old or stale seed can lose its nutritional value and may not attract as many birds.

Feeder Type

Match the bird seed to your feeder. Some feeders are designed for specific seeds, like tube feeders for Nyjer seeds or hopper feeders for larger seeds like sunflower.

Local Environment

Take into account the local bird population and environmental factors. If you have a lot of squirrels or larger birds, choosing seeds that are less appealing to them can help.

Effective Bird Feeding Tips for a Healthy Bird Habitat

Clean Feeders Regularly

Clean your bird feeders regularly to prevent the spread of disease. This helps ensure that the seed remains fresh and safe for the birds.

Provide Fresh Water

Along with bird seed, providing fresh water is important for attracting birds and supporting their overall well-being.

Avoid Seed Mixes with Fillers

Some bird seed mixes include fillers like corn or wheat that are not nutritious for birds. Choose high-quality seeds with minimal fillers.


Bird seed is an essential part of creating a welcoming environment for birds in your garden. By choosing the right type of seed and maintaining your feeders, you can attract a variety of bird species and enjoy the beauty of these feathered friends. With a bit of care and the right seed, you’ll be rewarded with lively bird activity and the satisfaction of supporting local wildlife.
