What Are The Different Types Of Pallet Racking And Their Advantages?

Pallet Racking
Pallet Racking is used to organise storage distribution in the vast majority of warehouses and distribution centres. Pallet racking optimises available space and adjusts to each company's storage requirements. Below, we examine the many types of pallet racking that may be put in a warehouse and highlight their similarities and distinctions.

What exactly is pallet racking?

Pallet racking is a method of combining items on pallets or other auxiliary parts to form a unified load that can be stored and transported along the supply chain. It was invented during WWII to improve transportation and was initially just made of wood.

Nowadays, pallet racking is all about grouping the most often used commodities in warehouses and logistics in general, with the majority of racking built to store heavy loads especially designed for pallet load storage. Pallet loads play an important part in practically all of the company's logistical phases, both inside the warehouse and during shipment.

Selecting between a selective and a compact system

There are two basic forms of racking among the many pallet storage systems listed below: selected pallet racking systems (or with direct access) and compact storage systems, which strive to improve the density of the racking to boost warehouse capacity.

Before deciding on the best pallet racking solution, the organisation must first analyse its storage requirements and existing situation. In this phase, it should be determined whether to prioritise the selection of a system that fully optimises available space because our warehouse has a small surface area or a very high per square metre floor price, or if available space is not an issue and the goal is to prioritise easy and quick access to the unit loads.

What are the different kinds of Pallet Racking?

Among the several forms of pallet racking are the following systems:

Adjustable system

This is the most frequent and basic pallet racking system, and it is intended to mechanically store pallets using forklifts that run parallel to the rows of racking. Because it is not a small system, it must be installed in a large flat area. Its key benefit is easy access to all stored unit loads, as well as its versatility and adaptability.

VNA (Very Narrow Aisle) system

VNA pallet racking is an adaption of the adjustable pallet racking system that makes greater use of available warehouse space. The width of the work aisles is lowered to reduce the required floor space for their installation, yet direct access to all pallets stored is retained. To move about and operate in the warehouse, special narrow aisle forklifts are required.

Double deep system

Double deep pallet racking is a variation of the adjustable pallet racking system that has been updated to improve storage capacity. In this scenario, optimisation is accomplished by adding an extra pallet position at the back of the racking and storing the unit loads at two depths. The benefit is increased storage capacity, but the drawback is a loss of selectivity or direct access to all unit loads.

Compact Drive In and Drive Through Systems

Drive-In and Drive Through Compact pallet racking are both types of high-density pallet racking systems that maximise warehouse space. Work lanes are removed in this arrangement, and the forklift enters the racking structure for loading and unloading activities.

Drive-In racking operates on a LIFO system, with a single entry and exit lane for the forklift, whereas Drive Through racking operates on a FIFO system, with one access aisle for loading and the opposite end for emptying pallets.
