Everything About Fire Curtains In The Theatres

Everything About Fire Curtains In The Theatres

Have you heard reports of the fire outbreak that destroy cinema halls and theatres? In 1888; the Baquet Theatre in Portugal Oporto was burnt into ashes causing 120 fatalities. Isn’t it dangerous and gives chills to your nerves? The reason was inspections and security check of the fire equipment that wasn't assessed correctly. Here comes the action of the fire curtains.

The Role of Shutters and fire curtains 

A fire risk fire curtains price assessment will outline the need for evacuation routes and adequate measures to prevent a fire outbreak. If you wish to create a safe evacuation route and prevent havoc inside the theatre install fire curtains and shutters immediately. To prevent fire and smoke in your hall, check out the fire curtain price. The mandate is to install curtains that will break down the spread of fire and harmful smoke in auditoriums quickly without causing bodily harm.

 Fire curtains that work the best 

  • E- It prevents the passage of hot gases and flames without the use of water
  • EW - Similar to E, it also prevents the transmission of thermal radiation without water.
  • EI – It is E=EW with the prevention of the passage of temperature transmission with water

Safety standards 

The Safety norms for fire curtains are set after every 2-3 years. With each revision, the standards become more strict and rigid. Halls and theatres must upkeep those standards to ensure the safety of the viewers. The current standards outline the installation of fire curtain systems. If you own a theatre, it is a good idea to check the fire curtains price now. Employ someone who has a fair idea about 

  • Testing the Fire Curtain is mandatory.
  • New fire curtain systems that need motorization.

Maintenance of the Your Fire Curtain 

Only the mere installation of the fire curtains is not enough. As an administrative head, you must ensure proper care and maintenance of the fire curtains and check the fire curtains' price if you need to change them. Take all precautions with your theatre and keep entertaining people. In case of failure to adhere to the fire curtain norms and maintenance, it could leave the hall and the whole premise, including the occupants at major risk. You may also be behind bars in case of violating fire regulations standards. 

How frequently maintenance is needed? 

The number of times depends on the performance activity of your fire curtain system.

  • For public places like theatres, fire curtains are regularly in service. So inspection must be done every quarter. 
  • However, if your hall is less active, a yearly inspection is sufficient. Ensure that your system has no critical wear and tear.

The takeaway

The fire safety curtain is of utmost importance in crucial public places. The risk of fire may bring the functions of the whole theatre to a halt. To prevent such disasters to happen, it is better to take precautions and check the fire curtains prices now to book one for your theatre. 
