Getting Ready For A Dentist

Most people are nervous about going to the dentist near Paddington, Sydney, but this anxiety can be reduced by taking some simple steps. The first step is to make sure that you know what time your appointment is and how to get there. The second step is to develop a strategy for using mental imagery as a way of coping with fear and anxiety during the appointment itself. If these techniques don't work for you, talk with your dentist about nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or another type of sedation dentistry that might be helpful. Finally, ask a friend if they won't go with you, somebody who has gone before and knows what they're doing will be able to help keep you calm!

Call The Dentist

Call the dentist near Paddington, Sydney, first thing in the morning so you will have made the appointment before your anxiety has had a chance to ramp up. Don’t put it off. Don’t wait until you are in pain or until it is a weekend or holiday when all of their appointments are booked solid. Calling early is especially important if your dentist is a solo practitioner and their schedule fills up quickly; you could end up waiting weeks for an appointment, especially if there's no one else who works for them and, therefore, no backup.

Ask Your Friends

Ask your friend what they do to keep calm or relax at the dentist's. Do they listen to music? Take a deep breath? Or are they just relaxed because of their favourite dentist near Paddington, Sydney?

Now that you know what works for them, it's time to implement this into your own routine. You may want to start by taking a few deep breaths before your appointment, which can help relieve anxiety and stress. This will also help you focus on things like smiling during the exam and making sure you're sitting up straight rather than slouching in the chair.

You'll be surprised how much easier it is when you take control of your emotions!

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry may be right for you if you're nervous about dental visits and have been avoiding going to the dentist. Sedation is safe and effective and can help make your treatment more comfortable. In some cases, it may also provide long-term benefits for managing anxiety about dental care.

So what exactly is sedation dentistry? The term refers to a variety of medications that are used to relax patients during their visit without making them unconscious. The goal is to reduce stress, not just pain, so patients remain awake throughout their appointment but are still calm enough for us to do necessary procedures.

When administered correctly by an experienced professional like your dentist or dental hygienist, these drugs can be extremely effective at helping you relax while they work on your mouth. In fact, recent studies show that most people feel less anxious overall after receiving sedation, even those who don't typically have trouble with dental visits!

If you'd like to avoid being awake during your dental procedure, ask your dentist about nitrous oxide. Also known as laughing gas, this substance is inhaled in the form of a gas canister and helps to reduce anxiety by relaxing muscles and calming nerves. It's safe for almost everyone; it's not a general anesthetic like those used during surgery or childbirth, but it does provide some degree of amnesia: You may not remember much about your appointment.
