Why Steel Erections In Sydney Is Impossible Without High-Quality Mobile Cranes


Construction fatalities and injuries during
steel erection in Sydney are unfortunately way more common than they should be. Every year, hundreds of workers severely injure themselves in steel erection sites.

 The most common causes of physical injuries at these sites include:–
  • Falling from tall heights
  • Getting crushed by heavy materials
  • Getting struck or hit by objects
  • Electrocution
Thankfully, smart construction companies have significantly reduced the rate of injuries and fatalities by using high-quality equipment. One of the most critical equipment for performing safe steel erection in Sydney is mobile cranes. Mobile cranes have very important jobs at these construction sites.

Unlike with fixed cranes, setting up mobile cranes is easier and requires less effort and time. More importantly, these devices give workers total control over their movements and functions at the job sites. Be it lifting heavy loads or transporting steel objects from one location to another – mobile cranes help in multiple ways.

Why are Mobile Cranes So Vital for Steel Erection Jobs?

Small, low-scale construction jobs don’t always warrant the use of mobile cranes. At these construction sites, workers can use extended boom forklifts to lift and transport heavy objects. However, just as soon as metals like steel are introduced to the construction project, matters become way more complex.

From flying rafters to filling in purlins – steel construction projects involve many complex and difficult steps. Cranes are the only machines that allow workers to safely, quickly, and efficiently perform these tasks. These devices require very little step up or assembly. They’re basically ready to be used as soon as they’re brought into the construction site.
  • Mobile cranes are very operator-friendly:
They’re composed of basic parts like wire ropes, booms, rubber wheels/tracks, chains, and control panels. Even less experienced construction site workers can perform steel erection in Sydney with these tools.

  • Mobile cranes have immensely powerful lifting capabilities:
 These machines typically have internal combustion engines or electric motors. Irrespective of how these machines are powered, they offer amazing lifting capabilities. These machines can help operators reach up to 400 feet in the air. Regular forklifts cannot reach such incredible heights. Premium-quality mobile cranes can also easily lift thousands of pounds. Workers who perform steel erection in Sydney frequently deal with such heavy loads. Mobile cranes allow them to perform their jobs more efficiently.
  • Multiple mobile cranes make jobs even easier:
Often steel erection sites will have multiple mobile cranes. Having multiple cranes makes the jobs of the on-site workers much easier. They reduce the time needed to move heavy loads from one spot to another. While one worker maculates the steel with a mobile crane, other workers can use the other crane to lift loads.
  • Mobile Cranes Help Create Safer Steel Construction Sites:
Performing steel erection in Sydney becomes a million times safer when you use mobile cranes. Workers can plan out how they’ll use these cranes before the job begins. The mobile cranes will allow them to stabilize and control all heavy loads throughout the project. Overall, mobile cranes help create safe working spaces, and they reduce the risk of severe injuries.
