Why More Building Owners Are Relying On Registered Building Practitioner These Days

This might be the very first time when you are actually hearing about the term Registered Building Practitioner. These practitioners are mainly tradesmen, who are qualified enough to take some works like carpenter, electrical or bricklayer jobs. The advantage of those building owners who are working with these practitioners is that they have the warranty insurance for the work they will cover, especially above $16,000.

That’s why it is always vital for you to have a written contract with these people so that there won’t be any great area if there is any chance of dispute to arise. A written contract is always better than any interpretation of conversation between you and the trader over here.

Qualified to handle the cases:

As the Registered Building Practitioner is qualified to handle the case, hiring their services will give you a sense of relief. Their qualifications are mainly approved by the Victorian Building Authority, which is one recognised and successful completion of building course. So, the building owners will have the advantage of using the registered trades now.

  • After getting registered under the authority, the owner will have one fall-back position in any event of dispute into workmanship. So, that means the owner will have an overreaching body to get into contact with and resolve the issue if there is any.
  • By focusing on the procedure of becoming registered, the Registered Building Practitioner has to go through loads of study and hourly dedication in this field. 
  • It shows that the tradesmen are completely committed to the owner-builder industry. They are always looking to work with the owner-builders over here for sure.

Having a building practitioner in your design team:

With the experience of working in the building industry for quite a lot of time, the Registered Building Practitioner has enough insight into not just the materials but in the trade conditions like rising in price, shortages and lead time.

  • They have already studied multiple construction concepts and methods. Moreover, they have experience in construction specifics to solve during the design process rather than on-site, which can become costly.
  • These experts will have sound knowledge, depending on the legal ramifications and all the necessary permits needed. So, they can guide you through these phrases well.
  • They will have all the updated information on the most suitable and latest materials. Whether you want some information on coastal living conditions, fire ratings and more, these experts are able to offer insightful and knowledgeable suggestions for the same.

The Registered Building Practitioner will work hand in hand with a team of sub-contractors, who they know and have value for. They have sourced painters, roofers, tilers, plumbers and electricians specifically for business and skill ethics. These contractors can be one major source of information and guidance during the current design process.

So, next time you are planning to hire a registered building practitioner for your project, you will not just be hiring their services, but a wealth of experience and knowledge too. So, make sure to get in touch with them if you don’t want any kind of constructional issues.
