Things you need to know about Diesel Fuel Tank?

When storing diesel fuel, some of the fundamental parameters you should be aware of, consisting of how long you would be storing it, fuel stability, diesel fuel tank conditions, and much more.

Whenever your Genset operates on diesel, some additional considerations are required to be considered while storing fuel for future use with the assistance of a diesel fuel tank.

After all, procuring a backup generator does not make any meaningful sense if the fuel is not readily available for utility. Even worse, improperly storing your diesel fuel can develop a safety issue for you as well as your business. But once again, there is no requirement to worry about because the experts have taken the guesswork depending upon the utility of long-term diesel storage in the form of the diesel fuel tank.

For how long diesel can be stored?

It is unfortunate enough that as soon as the diesel leaves the refinery, it commences oxidising. As it oxidises, sediments form in the diesel that can irreparably cause harm to your generator. At the same time, it is feasible to prolong the oxidation process by maintaining your diesel fuel at cooler temperatures below seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Diesel fuel peculiarly only lasts about six to twelve months. Owing to this, it is a commendable idea to remain aware and conversant about how much diesel you possess onsite and how long it has been present in the diesel fuel tank.

Essential tips and hacks for maintaining diesel fuel to be stable:

If you are hoping to extend the shelf life of your stored diesel, the use of biocides and stability treatments can further prolong the lifespan of your fuel. Biocides actively attack diesel fuel bacteria growth, which leads to the blocking of harmful sediments from the further formation. Fuel stability treatments, meanwhile, avoid the diesel from breaking down on a chemical level.

At the same time, it is also imperative to ensure that the diesel fuel tanks, which are commendable for storage themselves, are appropriately maintained. In time, water contamination can become a very real threat for any diesel storage unit. Majorly experts recommend that you minimise the quantum of empty space inside your storage diesel fuel tank. This aspect can permit moisture to accumulate and penetrate. Excessive water within the diesel fuel tank can generate an entire host of problems consisting of but not restricted to degradation of fuel quality.

Storage and Tank Regulations:

Specified regulations on fuel storage units can differ from region to region. There are various laws and policies in every area of the country, so it is essential to familiarise yourself with local policies before installing or suspending your storage diesel fuel tank on your property.

Before buying as well as storing your diesel fuel tank, you are required to know and realise whether your diesel fuel tank is underground, bunkered or above ground level, whether it matches the local structural as well as leak prevention measures as well as the appropriate actions for innate repair, alteration or reconstruction.


Thus, to sum up, a diesel fuel tank system is a crucial element of any diesel engine. Its optimum operation is important for peak performance. Professional manufacturers have created several additives specifically formulated to address common issues experienced and witnessed by the diesel fuel system. These additives augment the fuel system lubricity and avoid premature failure of fuel pumps as well as injectors.
