Mistakes That You Need To Learn To Avoid From A Driving School Penshurst

Learning to drive for the first time is an amazing experience for new drivers. While you feel happy when taking your car out for the first time, a feeling of apprehension grips your mind thoroughly. As a new driver, you are bound to make major mistakes when starting out fresh from a driving school at Penshurst, but you can gradually get a grip over the issues. 

Read the following points as they highlight the mistakes you make when taking your car out after learning to drive.

  • Not adjusting the seat belt

If you do not consider the position of the right car seat appropriately, your legs and arms can extend erratically making it hard for you to control the vehicle. The adjustment of the seat position is not just for experiencing comfort or controlling the car but allows you to deal with unexpected moves of other vehicles when on the road. When adjusting the seat, ensure that the wrists touch the wheel as it provides you with the position to control the wheel and reach out for the pedals of your car.

  • Not restrict the views

When getting lessons from a driving school at Penshurst, you may develop a tendency to look at the surroundings only and not at the bigger issues. While, you need to check everything in the surroundings, have your eyes on other aspects as well, such as using peripheral vision that makes you more aware and allow you to detect dangerous elements on the road. 

A few dangers you are likely to encounter on the road are.
  1. Passing cars making the roads unclean with debris and bad weather.
  2. Unpredictable and unruly moves of drivers.
  3. Animals passing through the road.
  4. Pedestrians crossing the road illegally and recklessly.
  5. Unclean windows of vehicles

  • Overcrowding and speeding

When learning the driving lessons from a driving school Penshurst, you may learn better that the act of speeding the vehicle and the inability to gain control later can create a major issue. Moreover, new drivers must not carry their friends in the car, especially after a party or an event. The risk increases two folds when you have more people in the car than it can actually bear.

  • Adjusting or cleaning the mirrors

It is only when you learn driving from experts in a driving school at Penshurst that you may come to know the significance of cleaning and adjusting the mirrors. Not adjusting the mirrors adequately does not let you understand how far you are from the other vehicles on the road. If you want to see the cars behind you, adjusting the mirrors allow you to estimate the exact positioning of the vehicles. Besides, you can see the cars in the blind spot.

  • Knowing low tyre pressure

The new drivers learning from driving school Penshurst need to keep track of the pressure conditions of the tyre so that you are aware when to go for service. Looking at the dashboard of modern vehicles allow you to understand the warning signs due to low pressure. When driving on a straight road, try to find out whether the vehicle moves from left to right unreasonably. Keeping track of all the aspects mentioned above can help you prevent mistakes.
