The Art of Space Management While Getting Bathroom Renovations In Western Sydney

Bathrooms don’t need to be overly spacious to be functional. Nor do they need to be compact enough to fit all the bathroom vanities in the world. Unfortunately, most people getting their bathrooms renovated have no clue about space management. Here’s how experts of bathroom renovations in western Sydney help their clients maximize small spaces - 

Avoid Wasting Wall Space :

If you break open your bathroom walls, you’ll create enough space to fit a sofa! However, most homeowners don’t use this prime real estate in their bathrooms. Instead of letting large walls block your paths and take up tons of space, carve them open to add shelves. For instance, creating drawers out of walls is a very easy process. 

A great way of optimizing small spaces within bathrooms is creating wall niches. Wall niches are box-shaped holes nested inside bathroom walls that can be used for decorative purposes. Wall niches are fully customizable, offer plenty of space for extra storage, and look extremely creative and appealing. 

Selecting Appropriately-Sized Toilets :

One ‘toilet trend’ that has become popular is selecting small-sized toilets. Wall-hung toilets, for instance, enable homeowners to create a lot of extra space inside their bathrooms. These types of toilets are mounted on bathroom walls. So, there are a lot more square-footages for users to move around. However, not all bathrooms are fit for wall-hung toilets. 

Typically, these toilets require strong walls as bases. If your bathroom wall isn’t thick enough, installing this type of toilet will be difficult. Plus, these toilets cost more upfront. But, all drains for wall-hung toilets are inside the walls, not the bathroom floors. This mechanism gives these toilets clean and appealing looks. More importantly, there’s plenty of space added inside the bathrooms. 

Use Tiles to Create Illusions of Extra Space :

There are some tile colour combinations that can make your bathroom floors appear more spacious than they are – 

  • Restricted Colour Palettes - Restricted colour palettes, with only a couple of neutral colours like grey or white, make bathrooms feel more elegant, orderly, and spacious. 
  • Combinations of Plain Tiles and Patterned Tiles – Use patterned on one surface of your bathroom. For instance, one wall or the floor of the bathroom can consist of hexagonal tiles. Cover the other surfaces with typical rectangular shaped tiles. This mix and match will create the illusion of extra space. 
  • Large and Small Tiles - One of the most challenging bathroom décor ideas is the combination of small and large-sized tiles onto the surface. For instance, tiny rectangular mosaics on the bathroom walls can be complemented with large-sized hexagonal tiles.
These tile combinations help create harmonious-looking bathrooms. 

Walk-in Showers :

To get a walk-in shower, you’ll have to ask your providers of bathroom renovations in Western Sydney to convert your tub space to a shower. This major transition elevates the amount of space inside the bathrooms, giving the illusion of additional square footage. Don’t think walk-in showers are only reserved for large bathrooms. Normal-sized bathrooms can easily get these classy installations provided the right renovation experts are handling the job!  
