Significant Consider When To Choosing Upholstery Fabric

upholstery fabric

There are many things to consider in your decision when it comes to buying upholstery fabric to ensure that you choose the proper approach to meet your unique needs for upholstery. Most importantly, you should evaluate several options to ensure that every piece of furniture in your household is covered.

Below are some of the essential factors to consider when selecting  upholstery fabric:

The Durability Of The Fabric 

The first thing you have to focus on is the fabric's longevity. You can recognize how durable the upholstery fabric is by identifying who will be using the furniture. Households with children and pets will need a sturdy and resilient material that, with extended use, will not wear down quickly.

Furniture Placement

Next, you will have to decide where you will put the furniture when you've selected your upholstery fabric and finished covering it. Furniture in high-traffic areas, including the family room or living room, will necessitate a more robust and more durable fabric than most of the items on display at the top of the stairs or in the bedroom window. Remember, woven fabrics tend to be stronger than printed fabrics. You will also want to focus on cotton sheets; the longer the upholstery fabric is, the higher the thread count.

Identify The Style

Another factor is to choose the correct upholstery fabric to identify the style. You want to add character to the piece you are covering, but at the same time, with modern and funky fabric, you can not cover a traditional chair; this will look strange and out of place. Use style to add your personality to the design of your decor.

You will want to pay careful attention when it comes to style. There is a distinct distinction between formal and casual upholstery fabric, in the wrong area, do not fall into the trap of using the wrong style. Choose what your piece will be placed and what it will be used for; this will recommend the right upholstery fabric in your formal or casual room setting that will make a statement.


Color is a big deciding factor that will make or break the design of your room. When choosing colors and the design of your room, you also need to pay attention to who will use the furniture. Lighter colors are a huge mistake if you have pets or kids. Darker colors would give you years of use and satisfaction in busy traffic areas, lowering the impact of marks and stains you would be struggling with if you had chosen a light-colored upholstery fabric.

Choose fade-resistant upholstery fabric, particularly when you place the furniture in the window. The sun coming through the window may fade upholstery, and when it comes to bold color, over time, you will notice that one side appears lighter than another, as the sun only catches one side during the day.


If someone in your family has allergies, this is an important consideration. Allergies may include wool, so you want to keep the wool fabrics clear. The supplier you choose should provide you with a list of the materials used in the upholstery fabric, whether it is a single type of fabric or a blend that has been used to produce the finished product.

The final concern when choosing upholstery fabrics is whether or not you have pets. A light-colored cat or dog sitting on a dark-colored chair is leaving unwelcome hair. Ensure that you choose a fabric that is quick and easy to clean, reducing the risk of marks, loads of hair, and scratches on your nails.
