How To Make A Beautiful Stone Waterfall Fountain In Your Garden

Homeowners work a lot to find peace. Be it visiting yoga studios or working for hours inside the garage – finding peace is very challenging for some homeowners. Many of these peace-seekers fail to realize that true peace comes at home, especially when your backyard has a top-quality stone waterfall fountain. Imagine enjoying the sound of water gently trickling down smooth stones as birds chirp in the background and sunlight subtly hits your skin. We're not talking about an exotic waterfall, we're' talking about having a waterfall fountain in your backyard. With little effort, you can have your own mini waterfall in your garden. The key to undertaking any DIY home renovation project is staying calm. Keep enough time on your hands to add the perfect fountain to your garden. Here's a guide.

The Structure of Mini-Fountains

Mini water fountains have three layers – the continuous cycle of water flowing up and down the pipes, the water pump making the flow of water possible, and the stone over which the water flows. Selecting a high-quality stone is a must as it'll serve as your mini water fountain's key aesthetic feature. It must be able to withstand the constant flow of water as well. Stones that have natural chutes or channels are ideal for mini water fountains as they enable the smooth flow of water for long periods.

Apart from the decorative stone, you'll need a waterproof tub in the ground acting as a reservoir for the water. You'll also need a top-quality submersible pump that will sit below the water lines inside the basin, recycling and filtering the water that falls from the pipes above the stone. The pipes need to be drilled into the stone so getting pre-drilled stones is a must. Or else, your DIY fountain installation project will take much longer than a few days. These pipes must come with valve controls so that you can adjust the fountain's flow.

What do You Need?

Buying a freestanding stone waterfall fountain is very easy as they come with quick installation features. Buyers can select from low-volt or super-fast 240-volt pumps – whichever they need. Ideally, your fountain seller should help in the installation process. They must also customize the fountain so that it suits your property.

Overall, your waterfall fountain package will consist of submersible pumps, copper pipes, a waterproof basin, stones (for support to the wires), small pebbles (decoration), female compression adapters, valves, fiberglass screens (for protecting the water pump from debris), composite decking to support the fountain, drainage gravel, and a PVC conduit to create an underground link from water pump's power cord to the power outlet.

Setting Up

After collecting all the tools and materials, you need to start digging the pump hole and set the conduit and the basin inside the hole. Fit the parts in (keep them dry) and create a separate space for the water pump. Set up the pipe system and connect them to the pump. Then, fit the decking, drill the stone, and start assembling the fountain. After finishing up, don't forget to regularly check the basin's water levels to avoid drying or overflowing.
