What Is A Fire Panel And How Does It Work?

The fire panels are one of the most important fire safety equipment and the least number of people take out time to understand. This ignorance has resulted in several mishaps which makes it important to understand what they are, how they work, and what are the benefits of installing fire panels.

What are Fire Panels?

One can simply understand a fire panel or fire safety alarm panel as a safety appliance that commercial and industrial buildings require to set several important tasks into motion in the condition of an emergency of fire breakout that can prove to be detrimental in saving the lives of people inside the building or its close vicinity. Not just that, it also reduces the damage to the building and material inside it, especially any combustible material that can further aggregate the damage. The most important of the tasks that it performs is that of alarming those inside the building about the occurrence of fire by giving a sound and light signal. Other important tasks include activating fire suppression and fire sprinkler systems. Some modern fire safety panels transmit signals to the nearest firefighting units, alerting them about a fault.

How does a Fire Panel work?

  • The fire panel connects to various alarm initiating devices and sensors such as smoke detectors, heat, and light sensors in the building.

  •  The alarm system sets off automatically by sensing abnormality through the sensors. Alternatively, one can also set off the alarm system manually by pressing the alarm initiating switch nearest to the point where he or she witnesses the outbreak of fire. 

  • As soon as this occurs, loud bells or sirens installed in various corners of the building ring loudly to alert those inside the building about the outbreak of a fire. Along with this, a flashing light starts blinking to alert those who are having hearing problems. 

  • After this, the fire panel activates fire sprinkler systems installed in the building and also receives a signal back from the sprinkler system indicating the working of the sprinkler as soon as water begins to flow through the fire sprinkler system.

  • Most modern fire panels also have the technology of sending a signal to the monitoring centre or the nearest fire station, alerting them about the outbreak of a fire. This increases their response speed and helps in controlling the fire early that can help in saving lives and minimising damage to the building.

What Things Should You Consider Before Installing Fire Panels?

If you are considering buying a fire panel system for your new building or wish to replace an existing one in your old building, you should first start by considering the features. After this, you should look for reliable and trustworthy local service providers that take up the tasks of supply, maintenance, inspection, and repair of the fire protection systems. Lastly, you should compare the prices of various service providers to get a good deal.

The Last Line

One should always keep in mind that the more you learn and gain knowledge about the working of the fire panel, the better it is. Also, one should never restrain from asking questions to suppliers and service providers for a better understanding of the system. 
