Things To Consider Before Purchasing Solar Bollard Lights

With an increase in people showing interest in solar power, you can also invest in one. If you have a beautiful garden and it feels quite dark at night, fixing a couple of solar bollard lights is a smart choice. And yes, these lightings are used majorly in large parking lots, residential flats, hospitals, and other pathways, but why not use them in your garden if it gives a nice ambience. They are known to be eco-friendly. With solar bollard lights, you do not dread wiring and getting electrocuted at night or during rainy seasons. They provide 360-degree illumination to the garden and the whole landscape. It can be kept for a sense of protection and security from burglars.

Solar bollard lights come in different shapes like square, cylindrical, and other basic vertical shapes. Installation is quite easy, and they are also portable. During the day time, you can place them under the sunlight and place them indoors or on the patio in the evening. They are light in weight, weighing about 10 pounds. With these lights, you do not have to worry about your electricity bill getting high each month.

But before you put your money on this amazing solar bollard lights in Australia, why don’t you consider looking into some tips on buying?

Some factors to consider

Autonomy Is Foremost:

As we all know that solar bollard lights need sunlight to stay lit during the night, but to keep it ignited and glowing for a long time, the autonomy should be greater. Some solar lights have low-cost batteries to stay ignited with only a few hours in sunlight. In tropical regions, solar lights are a blessing to have. But in northern latitudes, autonomy is important to have the solar lights running. A quality solar bollard light should have a powerful lithium battery to use the preserved power functioning.

Amount of Storage:

As important as autonomy is, power storage is critical to a solar plant. This is crucial as it gauges how competently the solar fixture can convert the light from the sun into charging a battery. The solar light with good power backs up charges a completely exhausted battery in no time. It can continue to work efficiently with some hours of sunlight. Power storage should not be confused with charging time, as this is totally different. A low capacity battery can easily get charged quickly than a high capacity battery. It may need a super-power storage ratio.

Working temperature:

Most climates are not favourable for outdoor solar lights. Moisture in the air, whether extreme hot or cold can cause infliction on the badly maintained batteries and the solar cells. Particularly, if the environment where the batteries are kept is wet, cold, or hot, the batteries may not probably last long. To solve this problem and to make sure that the installation lasts long, choose solar bollard lights that withstand too high or low temperatures.

Light Circulation:

There are two types of light distribution, namely symmetrical and asymmetrical. The symmetrical lighting gives the light in a circular pattern, while the asymmetrical lighting delivers narrow lighting. The narrow one is useful for pathways. For landscapes, people usually go for symmetrical lighting.

Solar Insolation:

The volume of sunlight a solar bollard light receives in a day is known as solar insolation. The amount of light the solar cells take varies from place to place, depending upon its weather and amount of shade. The solar lights need to stay under the sun ideally during the time 10 am to 2 pm. It can make it effectively operate for at least 5 hours. The power storage needs to be in good shape to achieve all this.

The above guidelines will definitely come in handy when you are willing to invest in the right solar bollard light in Australia.
