The role of waterproofing for a concrete solution

Well, no doubt that technological advancement has improved our wants to a great extent but let us not deny that fact that food clothing and shelter has always been our basic necessities. But what matters the most is how well we take care of each of our needs. Maybe a sedentary lifestyle can be changed for a healthy diet while for clothing, the comfort should be considered. But when it comes to shelter, the right source for maintenance is needed. We don’t live anymore in a home made of wood but concrete and certainly under deck waterproofing membrane is important. If you are not sure why then you are in the right place.

Understanding more about waterproofing:

Thanks to the advancement in technology, waterproofing has been a serious concern in the field of construction. That is why let us explore some reason for its need for concrete. The lack of materials or the advanced system is not the problem but it is the waterproofing issue which has been a matter of corner. It has been on the rise due to the negligence of the construction industry to use the right material. The coordination of concrete system multitudes that are involved with a single building has been a problem.

Basic Needs for different structures Types:

Most of the first time users often wonder what exactly is the waterproofing and why the concrete waterproofing is done. Well, the answers simply are in the type of concrete which is being used. Basically, concrete comes with materials such as Coase, aggregate, cement, and water. The cement includes hydration of just 20-25% of water. However, it becomes challenging to have concrete work with a water-cement ratio of 0.25. 

For the environment which is controlled, the water need can even increase to the water-cement ratio of 0.7 so that concrete is worth using. Hyper plasticisers in such situations can be helpful.

But even after creating such a part of the concrete, there is still some content of water which is unconsumed. It remains within the mass of the concrete and starts travelling through the concrete. This process usually occurs in the form of evaporation and due to which the pores of the capillary can be noted. This is nothing but the water leakages. Other than the capillary pores, there are other leakages sources as well. The first one comes is the honeycomb and the other one is the cracks.

  • Honeycomb: It occurs due to lack of mix proportion and the bad workmanship with the wrong workability as well.

  • Cracks: This is a thermal crack and the shrinkage and crack that can be noted. All of them can be avoided not completely but partially.

Due to these reasons, it is always a wise decision to make the waterproofing the right structure for concrete life enhancement.

Since concrete is porous in nature and not waterproof, it can get the water and chemicals along with waterborne contaminants. This causes deterioration. That is why give your concrete better protection against such deterioration and offer a serviceable life with the right waterproofing membrane for concrete.
