What Are The Requirements Of A registered Office Address?

An address consists of a street - road network, digital or alphanumeric designation of the house, which allows it to be identified, as well as the type and number of premises in the building. And if they are not there, then there is no address. Thus, the tax authorities of St. Petersburg, during the verification of the information entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, found out that one of the local firms ``managed” to a registered office address. The final element of her address was "... The Road of Life, 8 km." When the IFTS demanded to detail the location of the legal entity, it turned out that in reality the "office" of the company is located in a mobile "container", which cannot be registered as an office address at all. As a result, the authorized body made an entry in the register about inaccurate information. 

Other requirements for legal registered office address can be derived from the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the US Federation No. 61 of July 30, 2013. In it, the former Supreme Arbitration Court outlined the main criteria for an inaccurate company address. There are several of them. So, the IFTS and the courts may recognize the location of the company as unreliable when it is at the place of mass registration, and the letters sent to it are returned with the mark “the organization has retired” or “beyond the expiration of the storage period”.

In addition, it is unacceptable when a legal entity is registered or is trying to register in a destroyed or already demolished building. The latter option is often encountered in practice. The developer is demolishing the building, but the companies registered in it do not even think to apply for entering new information into the register. This is, of course, a serious violation.

Along with this, it is impossible to register an office address at the place of unfinished construction, as well as in buildings where the authorities and military units are located. By the way, in the 90s LLCs were quite often registered with local administrations. Moreover, in those days, such a practice was even encouraged. True, since the registration of companies was taken up by the tax authorities, such cases have come to naught. And today it is already impossible in principle.

Change of address :


The above requirements apply not only when registering an office address, but also when changing its location. The address itself can meet all the requirements of the law. For example, the company sent an application to the authorized Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service to change the address, but the latter refused to enter the information into the register. The reason was the fact that in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities there were already 349 entries about the applicant, where he appeared as a participant or director in 66 companies. That is, the person was a mass leader. Naturally, the tax authorities refused to enter information about the new address, although there were no claims to it.).


