Why Should You Choose Recycled Timber Furniture Over Conventional Wood?

If you love timber furniture or wooden decor items used to decorate houses, you might sometimes plan on buying wooden furniture for your space. But have you ever considered buying recycled timber furniture? Do you know what could be the advantages of reclaimed wood over conventional wooden furniture? 

Here’s why you should consider switching over to recycled timber furniture and not invest in newly-harvested wooden furniture:

1. Active Part In Saving Environment:


Whether you are an environmentalist, your conscience must have poked you some time to lead a life to minimise damage to your environment. This is an active site where you can live up to your expectations and be your own hero. If ever you plan to decorate or renovate your living space with timber furniture, you can choose recycled timber furniture over conventional timber. 

The consequence that will follow is as simple as it looks – you will contribute to preventing deforestation. Using recycled timber furniture prevents harvesting of new virgin wood from the forest.

2. Stronger And More Durable Lumber:


This is a well-known fact that today, most old structures made of wood or iron are still standing tall amidst all external havoc, and the reason behind it is the strength and durability of most old materials. In the same way, wood that is more than 250 years old is much more durable due to less air pollution. If you want to enjoy the better piece of wood, you must remember ‘Old is Gold.’ 

3. Old – Growth Wood – More Stable:


Old-growth wood means that the tree has matured taking enough time in a natural environment that encourages slow growth. The more time a tree takes to reach its full maturity, the denser fibre will be contained in its wood. Furthermore, due to the exotic nature and rich characteristics of old-growth wood, most such forests are now protected, which means you cannot obtain such wood for household purposes. Thus, using recycled timber furniture is the only sturdy alternative. 


4. Exotic Wood:

Exotic wood with a history attached to it is priceless and often can only be obtained through reclamation. Moreover, exotic and rare blends of tropical wood like European and Asian supposedly adds high value to a property. Thus, if you are planning on purchasing wooden furniture, look out for recycled timber furniture – who knows you might get your hands on wood from the Victorian Era! If you are an antique collector, it might be of special value to you!

5. Wide Planks Of Wood:


As stated earlier, old-growth wood is stronger and tougher than newly-harvested virgin wood, which makes it capable of enduring much load. Recycled timber can build wider planks to make furniture that will consequently be stronger.

Among other notable advantages of reclaimed wood are their originality – timber used in furniture today are produced by mass manufacture and are not 100% pure like recycled timber used for furniture. But the most crucial factor is to contribute your part in maintaining a sustainable environment and discourage deforestation by refusing furniture of virgin wood. 
