Proper Installation Method Of Timber Stairs In Sydney

Timber stairs in Sydney are one of the common things in most houses. The effectiveness of the staircase depends on the design and manufacturing process. It is equally important to the installation process. If the timber staircase is not properly installed then there are chances for failure because of the instability. In this blog let us discuss the proper installation method of the timber staircase. 
The proper method to install timber stairs in Sydney:

Reduce the storage time by installing the timber staircase once it is delivered. If it takes time for installing then store the timber staircase in the clean place. The storage place must have proper ventilation. Avoid direct sunlight and also protect the timber staircase from damp. Store the long items on the bearers. If you are storing it in the structure do not overload because it may cause damage to the structure.

Do not purchase a staircase with the same measured size because when installing there won’t be any flexibility. If the staircase is a little big than the measured size then you can manoeuver it during the installing process to fit its position. 

The balustrade and the flight load must be supported by the staircase during the installation process. 

Give proper support to the staircase until all other fixings are completed to the other structure in the surrounding place. 

The property’s floor, half landing, and quarter landing should support the load. 

Do not fix the joist hanger in the cavities. Fix the joist hanger only in the walls for providing proper support for the staircase.

A handrail provides only minimum safety and sometimes it even does not act as a safety barrier. 

To prevent the falling of people you must include a full guarding system in addition to the normal staircase. 

Use the staircase only after completing the full installation process. 

When installing a timber staircase it is always better to start from the top. 

Before starting the installation process prepare the joints of the staircase and trim the size of the timber workpiece if needed.

Before installing the timber stairs in Sydney check the components for faults and damages. 

Consider the type of fixing while installing the timber staircase because the fixing is very important for the support of the staircase. 

During the installation process, the installer must use the staircase with proper caution and also there should be someone at the side for additional support during some sudden fall or accidents. 

During the installation process us an accredited guarding system to prevent the falling of installer. 

To avoid the splitting of timber use continuous timber with sufficient width. Use timber to fill the gap between the masonry wall and the timber. 

During the installation process using additional screws at the centre of the timber stairs. 

Always call a professional and experienced person to install a timber staircase because installing a timber staircase need some special skills and knowledge related to it. There are many service persons available for installing timber stairs in Sydney. 
