Mistakes You Should Avoid In Turf Laying

Turf laying is one of the common styles used by gardeners and other landscape designers. Therefore if you are looking forward to joining this type of trend, you need to take time and browse online to find the right products at affordable prices. Although this might seem so easy, there are some points you need to consider so that you can obtain the correct type of turf that fits your climate area and soil. Therefore this blog will discuss several tips that will help you in picking the best product that will make your turf lying in castle hill the best experience.
When improving the properties, the best option is creating lawns. Doing this will help you make your property valuable and appealing. Creating lawns also allows individuals to have a beautiful place that they can spend quality time with their loved ones and friends. But when you are creating a lawn, it is necessary to know about turf laying because several mistakes can make a simple installation a nightmare task. Therefore here are the most common mistakes that happen while doing turf laying in Castle Hill.

  • Buying turf too early

This is one of the most common mistakes that individuals make about turf laying very early. Although you may find exclusive deals and discounts when you are buying turf, you should plan to have the turf delivered on the day that you will have it installed this will provide you with better chances if growing it.

  • Insufficient property clean up

The next mistake that individuals make while laying turf is failing to clean the property correctly. Cleaning the property is essential before installing lawns to get rid of stocks, branches and other debris that may cause an uneven surface. Without mentioning, rocks and branches can also make areas unsafe especially for playing children

  • Overlapping turf

Another turf laying mistake that individuals make is overlapping the turf. While installing lawns, the lawn care experts recommend overlapping of half an inch. But individuals need to make sure the lawns are uneven. There are also chances that the turf may not grow as expected.

  • Moving right away

Once you have installed the lawn, it is not recommendable to mow it right away. This is essential because the roots of freshly installed lawns have not fully penetrated to the soil. Therefore you will only destroy the turf. It is, therefore, best that you go over your lawn with a roller immediately after installation and wait for some weeks before mowing it 

  • Not getting professional help

Overall, it is possible to lay turf by yourself. However, there are some instances when mistakes are committed, and this makes the task more complicated and expensive. Not to mention, it is easy for the turf to be easily destroyed. Therefore to avoid this, you should get professional help to ensure turf laying in castle hill is done efficiently and successfully without any hitches.
