A fire hydrant flow test shows the flow rate and pressure rate in a particular location. Every water company has these fire hydrants underground in their water distribution system. Fire hydrant testing is done from time to time to ensure that they can provide water at an acceptable rate. They are used for providing the public with healthy water as well as firefighting operations. The law requires that fire hydrant testing should be done at least once per year. A flow test should be conducted every five years. A professional should do this test. This will ensure that all the data recordings from these fire hydrants will be correct. The public will have clean water and enough water to fight fire without any hassles.
These fire hydrants are supposed to have a standard pressure of 20psi to provide effective firefighting and prevent any contaminations in the public water supplies. Fire hydrant testing gives a static pressure and the flow from the hydrant. The readings should be correct so that there are no miscalculations of pressure.
Before conducting any test, you must notify the water authority. When the hydrant is open, the normal water supply will be distracted, which could be a disaster if you had yet to inform the necessary authorities. Ensure that you have the proper kits and equipment to perform this test. After ensuring that you have everything you need, you can proceed to perform the fire hydrant testing.
How to perform a fire hydrant test?
- The first step would be located where the test area is. You can locate a fire hydrant near the building supply line. Note the pressure readings from this fire hydrant. Go to the subsequent fire hydrant. Put the readings on this hydrant as the secondary readings. Remove the nozzle cap on the hydrant and attach a pressure gauge. Open the valve and take the static readings. When doing this, ensure that there is no water flowing. Note down the changes to the pressure hydrant and the flowing hydrant.
- The path from the flowing hydrant should be free of any obstacles. If there are any obstacles or debris, you should use a diffuses. When the pressure needle stabilizes, ensure to take the residual readings of the pressure hydrant. Insert the orifice of the pitot tube into the center of the low of water. This should be away from the opening, precisely half the opening of the hydrant. Record this pitot reading. After this, ensure that you slowly close the hydrant. The hectic closing of the fire hydrant might lead to damages in the underground systems, which might not be too good. Put your hand at the back of the hydrant to ensure that the outlet is smooth and rounded. Be sure to record the outlet size and type. Close all the leaks and ensure that there are no leaks.
- That's all about it when it comes to fire hydrant testing. All these recordings will help you note the flow of water and how efficiently the hydrant is working. There is not much into this, but one needs to be careful when picking these readings.
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