Basic Information About A Garden Fire Pit And Safety Tips For Outdoor Fire Pits

Most house owners like to have a garden fire pit in their house. It is the best place for spending a cool evening and it will give you space for you to relax. The simple outdoor fire pits do not have a grill top. It is similar to the metal bowl. If you like to add the cooking facility to the outdoor pit fit then you must add some extra equipment and a protective cover for the garden fire pit.

The fire bowl type is the perfect option for the courtyards and patio. The entering of rainwater into the garden fire pit is prevented using the top layer. It also has a side opening for adding wood into the fire bowl. The stick can be placed near the outdoor fire pit for roasting marshmallows and other similar food items. During the summer season, you can use the outdoor fire pit as planters.

People started using chimineas from 1980. It is one of the popular model outdoor fire pits used in many countries. If heat is the main purpose of the outdoor fire pit then this model is not the right option. Some of the best woods used for garden fire pit are cherry wood, apple tree wood, pecan, mesquite, hickory, oak, cedar, alder, and pinion wood. For outdoor fire pits, you should not use pressure-treated wood because they contain toxins in it.

When you are starting a fire in your garden fire pit you must consider various other factors. You must give more importance to the size of the fire. It is always better to keep the fire size small for safety considerations. If the size of the fire is big then there are chances for disaster.

When you are installing the outdoor fire pit in your garden make sure that the distance between the fire pit and the building is more than ten meters. Check the weather condition of your area before starting the fire pit.

If the weather condition is windy then avoid the fire pits because there are chances for blowing small fire pieces into the seating area which may end up in small accidents. Burn ordinance or burn bans must be selected up to date because it depends on the various period of the year. For preventing the accident spread of fire, you must clean the area around the garden fire pit.

Leaves and other combustible materials should be picked from the outdoor fire pit before starting the fire. When you are using an outdoor fire pit, for safety purposes you must have a bucket full of water and a garden hose.

For starting the fire safely you must use paper piece mostly crumpled or a fire starter. Firestarters are available in all nearby house accessory shops. Cover the starter using sticks. First, use a small size stick for better performance. And finally, you can add a log to the fire pit. Do not use gasoline for starting the fire pit because it is very dangerous.
