The Meaning of Civil Excavation

The whole process of moving rock, earth and other materials with the help of equipment, tools and explosives are known as civil excavation. Civil Excavation has numerous numbers of applications like environmental restoration, mining, exploration and construction which includes the excavation process of tunnelling, underground, shafts, trenching and earthwork. A different process for excavation requires different techniques, machinery and tools to perform a specific job. Civil Excavation in Sydney offers professional guidance and works are done by experts who deliver seamless excavation projects every time.

Working Procedure of Civil Excavation
1. The most important and the primary step is to find out the depth, type of soil and then clearing of any unwanted plants, bushes and weeds.
2. The next step involves ground tracing which is the process of marking the excavation lines and centre lines on the ground before the digging process is started.
3. Minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 benchmarks are marked on permanent structures like road or tree in the corner for the measurement. 
4. The tracing is marked with lime/white powder.
5. The depth of the excavation is then settled referred with the drawing and benchmarks done. 
6. The excavated earth is to either removed or stocked around the structured pit. The stocked excess soil should be put a minimum of 1m distance from the outer line of the pit so that the extra soil does not sweep inside the structure due to rain or other forces.
7. Making of excavated pits is to be done as specified in the document.
8. If the site is located around any loose soil area then proper monitoring must be done to hold the loose soil.
9. Dewatering wells and interconnecting channels are to be constructed when needed.
10. The boundaries of the building must be locked for the safety proposes.
Quality Checks for Civil Excavation in Sydney

 Tracing of ground level and checking the size of the bottom.
 Disposing of any unsuitable materials like rocks, plastics and etc for filling.
 Stocking useful materials for backfilling and this way any double handling would be prevented.
 Strata classification approval by competent authority.
 Constructing sides and bottom of pits as per the measurements were done in centre line drawing.
 Safety measures must be made.
Removal of Excess Soil

The extra excavated soil can be used further for many purposes like gardening, filling and etc. The process of utilizing the extra soil can be done simultaneously to avoid any double handling. The utilization process must be done very carefully so that does not obstruct any other construction activity. Civil Excavation in Sydney provides Scrapers, Dump Trucks, Loaders, Excavators, rollers etc and also provide bulk haulage and material disposal services.

Quality Checks for Filling

1. Measuring of the ground level.
2. The sample should be appropriate for back filling.
3. Referred markings or points should be established for the final level of the back filling.
4. Back filling process is done in layers (15cm to 20cm).
5. The required amount of watering and consolidation is done.
6. Necessary density is attained.
