Share Accommodation- Live Luxurious, Spend Less

Of late, the concept of share accommodation has become rather common these days. Share accommodation in Mt. Isa, in Queensland is a preferred option these days. But what is this thing?

The Concept of Share Accommodation
Share Accommodation is when two or more strangers share a house or a room, the facilities and rent as well. This allows you to live independently at a comparatively lower price. And you also get to have a company when you need. Rental accommodation of this kind is very sought after.

Type of Share Accommodation in Mt. Isa
In rental share accommodation of Mt. Isa, there are different kinds of arrangements. Here’s a quick guide for you to understand them.
  • Tenant
A person who rents the whole premise is called a tenant. This is the most commonly used share accommodation across the globe and is the most straight-forward one. A tenant rents the whole property and uses the residential tenancy agreement of the state or the territory. If the terms of the agreement are not met, either the landlord or the tenant can end the agreement.
  • Co-Tenancy
If many people rent the whole house or flat together, they are co-tenants. Co-tenants fall under a single agreement called residential tenancy agreement. In this agreement, each of the co-tenants holds equal rights and obligations. They pay equal rents and enjoy equal facilities. Sometimes, two people rent a place together. Or sometimes, the landlord can add a new tenant to the existing agreement.
  • Sub-Tenant
A sub-tenant is the one who enters into an agreement with the already residing tenant who is then called the head-tenant. The head-tenant acts as a landlord. You must use the residential tenancy agreement in this type of share accommodation in Mt. Isa. If you use the common law agreement, the standard obligations, rights, and protections may not apply. The agreement must distinctly define the areas that the sub-tenant will have exclusivity to and the ones that they will share with the head-tenant.
  • Share Accommodation
Share accommodation when a tenant moves into a room in the house of the landlord. The landlord may or may not be living on the premises. But, if the premise rented is a commercial share accommodation or a boarding house, this concept of share accommodation doesn’t apply. Like in sub-tenancy, the agreement in this type of accommodation must also carry the details of the areas exclusive, shared and prohibited to tenants.
  • Boarding
Boarding is a commercial scale and is a less common form of share accommodation in Mt. Isa. Boarding offers many rooms and beds and their rules of agreement vary with states and territories. There are different laws for different states in Australia. In New South Wales, the places offering accommodation of over 5 rooms should be registered as a boarding house. In Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territories, it is for the boarding houses for the 3 or more people. While in Queensland it applies for the boarding house of over 4 or more people.

Different kinds of rental share accommodation are readily available in all parts of the Mt. Isa. If you are entering into shared accommodation, you must use the applicable agreement viable in that particular state.
