A Few Things To Know About Repairing Pool Tiles

There are certain things that you need to know when you are repairing pool tiles. You should always let down the water level that is there in your pool so that the tiles that have to be repaired are exposed. You also need to give 24 hours to the area to get dry. This would help the work to be done the right way.

Using The Right Equipment

When you are repairing your pool you need to use the correct equipment for such work. In this case, you can use a chisel and a small mallet in order to open the damaged grout that is around the tile that you have to replace.

With regards to repairing your pool tiles in Sydney, you should be using the same chisel and hammer in order to remove any mortar that may be there on the pool tile right behind the tile or tiles that are broken.

Calculating The Substrate Depth

This is also an important part of the entire process as such. You have to figure out this particular depth that will be next to your new pool tile. If you see that the depth is more than 1/8th of an inch you would have to apply plaster to the same.

This would make sure that the depth of the substrate behind your pool tiles would be lower than 1/8th of an inch.

Preparing The Plaster

When you are preparing the plaster you need to mix with a special plaster additive that is made keeping swimming pools in mind. You would normally get in the kit that you buy for this particular purpose. The plaster should be just as consistent as something like apple sauce.

Applying Water

You need to apply water to the area where you would be putting up the new pool tile.

This would make sure the plaster would get harder within a short span of time. This would be beneficial for your pool tiles as well. You also need to make sure that you are applying the plaster in an even manner on the substrate that happens to be uncovered. For this purpose, you need to use a putty scalpel. In this case, you need to leave sufficient space so that you are able to apply a tile over there. You also need to leave a thin-set of 1/8th of an inch after the plaster has become dry.

You need to allocate 24 hours for this purpose.


It is also important to prepare the pool right way especially the thin-set. For this, you would have to mix it with water. You can be sure that this would be good for your swimming pool tiles as well. It should be as consistent as whipped potatoes. You also need to make sure that you use 1/8th of an inch from this thin-set and spread it in an even manner on the top of the plaster. This also needs to be done on the side of the tile that is not decorated.
