Slip-Free Zones With Right Floor Coatings

Slipping down is a very gradual thing, which most of us encounter. As simple it may seem, it has dangerous counter effects when accidents are happening in industries like automotive, aircraft, educational areas, hangars, hospital environments, research laboratories etc.  This is where the help of a proper coating technique plays a vital role in flooring for slip-free zones. 
When it comes it proper flooring techniques especially for the industrial locations, choosing between the two main types, i.e. epoxy coating and polyurethane coating are the most suitable and viable solutions. 

Preferences on floor coatings

Coatings are a great way of protecting the floor surfaces. In a way, coatings are it epoxy or polyurethane are beneficial as they protect against stains, damages, wear and oil or chemicals. Coatings are one of the long-lasting solutions to wear of flooring treatments. But yes there hinders consistent difference between the two types of coatings. For a slip-free zone, two types of coatings are mostly preferred being epoxy coating and polyurethane coating. Let’s sort the differences of what they work on for better understanding. 

Effective Epoxy coatings 

Operationally a proper epoxy coating for the floors are sturdier, durable and basically have larger strength in compression. This makes them a stronger choice in industries that unleash heavy-duty jobs and involves warehouse formulations in work. 
Epoxies are not a convenient option when there is a chemical environment especially food industries. Eventually, they may change their color or nature when exposed to chemicals.
Epoxy coatings have an ability of self-leveling; this aids them to fit the thin hairline cracks and imperfections present in the flooring to evade uneven floor surfaces. The resins are sensitive to moisture; this poses a problem when it is used under humid environments. When considering the environment, another notable fact is that epoxy coatings cannot tolerate longer exposure to UV environments but are sturdier in operations in other cases. 

Polyurethane coatings

The floor coatings which involves the use of polyurethane coatings are softer in nature with higher elasticity. This nature is beneficial as it acts to be more resistance to inherent scratches and comes with the ability to absorb impacts. These coatings are generally preferable in applications such as freezing chambers, car parks, labs etc. additionally they are also coated for increased waterproofing and abridging the cracked layers of the floor. 
Polyurethane coatings are an unambiguous choice to flooring in food industries because of their inertness to chemicals. This is one factor that has to be looked after while picking the suitable flooring type. 
Another notable fact is this coating type can be effectively modified or recoated with ease. However, this is not possible for the former coating method. Noteworthy as it may seem, these coatings can also work in environments exposed to UV exposure without being problematic.
It is much preferable if a suitable epoxy coating is layered for thick flooring with higher sturdiness along with a simple layer of polyurethane coating for enhanced life of the flooring in slip free zones.  
