Functional Requirements Of The Floor And How Timber Floors Measure Up

If the roof is the part of the construction that provides shelter and the walls are meant for the stability of the building, the flooring is the strong level surface that is meant to support a lot of things which includes furniture, equipment as well as the occupants of the building. Therefore, it is important to choose the flooring material and type is very important.

The functional requirements of flooring include:

Strength and stability:

Strength and stability is the basic requirement. It is because the flooring has to bear the considerable dead load as well as the imposed load of the occupants at a given time. The dead load refers to the furniture, partitions, fixtures etc. the stability of the floor is estimated on the basis of whether the floor is stable and level under its self-weight as well as manage the expected live and dead loads. In this light, the timber flooring Hurstville would be suitable for the use in domestic buildings.

Resistance to weather and moisture:

The flooring especially that of the ground floor has more chances of being affected by moisture penetration. Though it is not a common phenomenon, it might be affected by the nature of subsoil, water table, and the natural elevation or slope of the building. Since wood is a hygroscopic material. It means that it gains or loses moisture until it reaches Timber floors of hardwood might be quite moisture resistant. The ideal conditions in which the timber floors perform well include 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit and 30%-50% RH. When there is a sudden drastic shift either in temperature or water level, it might affect the timber flooring especially those on the ground floor.


Durability is another important factor for the functionality of the flooring. Timber flooring Hurstville when made of oak, Karri, Jarrah, and blackbutt last really long. The timber flooring is not only durable, but they are also quite attractive and aesthetically appealing too. The timber flooring would retain their new look for a long long time.


The flooring that is installed must be easy to maintain. the maintenance actually depends on aspects such as the type of the flooring as well as the wear and tear they would be exposed to. The hardwood timber flooring would usually be resistant to termites and borers. They are capable of handling foot traffic and retain their new look for a long time. The surface of the hardwood is easy to clean and maintain since they do not absorb liquids, liquid spills also would not be an issue.

Passage of sound:

The flooring is supposed to prevent passage of sound. This is especially a requirement that is very important for the flooring on the upper floors. Timber floorings are generally not good in preventing the passage of sound but you now have timber flooring in Hurstville that have dense materials that bridge the gap between the timber joint that can make the timber flooring soundproof.
The design choices as well as the timber flooring types that can be used effectively throughout the building to enhance the décor and aesthetic appeal makes timber flooring one of the most functional and aesthetic choices for a building.
