An Unbiased View of Timber Flooring in Campbelltown

Are you looking for a modern home to feel warmer or want your older home to look new, timber floorboards are the answer. They are easy to maintain, can last for generations, and they look beautiful!

Timber flooring is generally adopted in hilly areas, where moisture content is high and wood are readily available. Timber flooring is mainly used for dancing halls, carpentry halls, auditoriums, etc. The only disadvantage of the timber flooring is the prevention of dampness thus rising on the floor but thanks to our extensive experience and training, and with beautiful and durable timber flooring residents can change their home decor for less. The whole area of ground below the floor is covered with a 15 cm layer of cement concrete called “site or oversite concrete”.

A damp-proof course layer is laid below the wall plates to prevent the rising from dampness. The void space between the flooring and the oversite concrete is kept dry and fully ventilated.

And The Most Common Type Of Wood Flooring These Days Is Engineered Wood Flooring.

timber flooring Campbelltown

Engineered Timber Flooring:

It’s made with 3-4 multiple ply layers layered on top of each other in multiple directions. The top layer is of thick hardwood veneer wear layer. Among the wood species being engineered to make hardwood flooring, the timber flooring proves out to be the most cost-effective, and easier and quicker to install as compared to solid wood flooring.

Benefits of Engineered Timber Flooring:
  • The dimensions of engineered timber panels are larger than solid planks and width of engineered timber panel is not limited, unlike a solid wood plank.
  • Nailing engineered wood over joists do not require any plywood subflooring.
  • In areas such as basements and where concrete has been used, solid wood flooring might not be suitable. Engineered timber flooring comes to rescue in such situations and others where there is radiant heating of the floor.
  • Engineered timber flooring is available in attractive appearances due to a variety of designs and finishes.
  • Engineered Wood Does Not Gap Or Cup-Like Solid Wood.

You should be concerned with the amount of traffic that your timber flooring in Campbelltown is going to be pitched against. If there is going to be a lot of traffic, such as in a shopping mall, then engineered timber floor with a thick wear layer is a must. If there is going to be moderate traffic and proper maintenance can be carried out, then a very thick layer is not required.

Using engineered timber flooring also gives you the satisfaction that your decision has saved our precious forests. A square foot of 3/4 inch solid wood flooring is equivalent to 4 times that size when translated into engineered timber flooring. Requiring less mending than other flooring types our bespoke and beautiful timber flooring transforms homes, giving them an abundance of character and warmth. Available in a number of different styles and varieties including solid wood, bamboo, parquetry, and engineered flooring, and staircases, you can find the right timber flooring in Campbelltown at the best price.
